Ticket holders who change their mind about going to see an event that is still taking place, have no legal right to a refund.
However, if the event is cancelled, your refund rights will depend on how you bought the ticket. Initially, you should email the organiser or check their website or social media profiles to see if there’s an update.
If you bought tickets from an official seller and the organiser cancels, moves, reschedules, or makes the event behind closed doors, you should get a refund. This includes cancellation due to a government ban on large events. The official seller is the best person to ask about your refund.
If you’re not managing to get a refund, check to see if the seller is a member of the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR). If so, you can use STAR’s complaints procedure. STAR members should receive a refund at face value if the event is cancelled and the organiser has agreed to refunds.
If you bought your ticket from a ticket-reselling website, refunds will depend on the site’s terms and conditions.
If you bought from a private seller and the event is cancelled or rescheduled, you are unlikely to be able to recover your money but we still recommend you contact the seller.
If you’re due to go to an event, keep checking the information from the official seller or organiser to ensure you’re up to date.
Unfortunately we’ve found that scammers prey on those who are affected by cancelled events. If you are contacted by people or companies offering to try to recover money on your behalf, make sure that you’re looking out for the signs of a potential scam.