Racism is an urgent issue in the UK. We all have a role to play in challenging it at a structural and individual level.
Advice on discrimination because of race, your rights and actions you can take https://citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-race-religion-or-belief/discrimination-because-of-race/…
Advice on taking action about discrimination including legal action https://citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/taking-action-about-discrimination/…
Advice on hate crime and how to report it https://citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/hate-crime/…
The Equality Advisory Support Service is available to help if you’ve been discriminated against. Find out more https://citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/about-discrimination/equality-advisory-support-service-discrimination-helpline/…
Stop Hate UK have a range of resources and information on their website for organisations who can support https://stophateuk.org/help-in-the-uk-national-organisations/…
The Runnymeade Trust challenges race inequality in the UK and @UFFCampaign support those affected by deaths in police, prison, immigration and psychiatric custody
Childline have information and support for young people who’ve been the targets of racism and racist bullying https://childline.org.uk/info-advice/bullying-abuse-safety/crime-law/racism-racial-bullying/
Report it have a list of organisations who are able to support targets of hate crimes https://report-it.org.uk/organisations_that_can_help…
We would also like to highlight the work of UK voluntary sector organisations tackling racism https://twitter.com/NCVO/status/1267444598206586880
Hate Crime
What is a hate crime?
Hate crime can take many forms such as physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, sexual abuse and financial abuse.
It can range from non-verbal intimidation to physical violence. Whichever form the abuse may take, it is important that you tell someone.
How is it dealt with in Suffolk?
In Suffolk we take any forms of hate crime and hate incidents seriously, no matter how insignificant you may feel it is at the time. Hate crime in any form is wrong, so it’s important that if hate crime happens to you or someone you know, that you report it.
It is important that you tell someone when you have experienced a hate incident or hate crime even if you do not wish to be contacted by anyone.
How do I report it?
Reporting makes a difference to you, your friends, and your community. By reporting hate crime when it happens, you can help stop it happening to someone else.
You will also help agencies in Suffolk to better understand the level of hate crime in your local area, and improve the way they respond to it.
If you, or someone you know have been a victim of a hate crime and you want to report it, you can:
- report to Suffolk Police or call them on 101
- report online through True Vision
- contact Crimestoppers anonymously
Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care
If you’ve been affected by hate crime and would like support, contact Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care on 0300 303 3706.
Crimes do not have to be reported to access this free and confidential service.
For more information, visit the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care website.