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Madeleine Finn – Vice-Chair

Madeleine spent 32 years working in full-time state education in London and the South of England. She was Executive Headteacher of primary, middle and secondary schools in Haverhill between 2003 and 2016 and was instrumental in setting up the Castle Partnership a federation of primary, middle and a secondary school centred on “All-through” education.

In 2016, Madeleine set up an Education Consultancy business. She carried out varied practical and strategic roles including, working with Headteachers across Suffolk and with Suffolk Local Education Authority as the Chief Executive of Suffolk Secondary Headteachers Association. Madeleine mentored new Headteachers, leading schools in challenging circumstances, as part of the national Future Leaders Programme. In addition, she facilitated strategic workshops for Trustees of local Academy Trusts focussing on governance and school improvement.

More recently, Madeleine has helped to care for her parents who were both diagnosed with chronic progressive illnesses in their late 70’s. This involved negotiating the National Health Service, the Adult Social Care sector and culminated in finding them both a suitable nursing home just prior to the COVID pandemic. As a result, Madeleine has developed a keen interest in the adult social care system. She is Chair of Unity Healthcare Patient Participation Group in Haverhill.