Money Advice

Falling into debt can happen to any of us at any time, usually triggered by an unexpected event such as sickness, loss of employment, separation or even the loss of benefits when a child leaves education. There are many reasons and the implications can be anything from getting slightly behind with a credit card repayment to facing eviction from your home or enforcement officers (bailiffs) calling.

The stress of accruing debts can cause depression, anxiety and relationship problems so as soon as you start to feel things slipping there are things you can do yourself before it gets worse.

The journey to becoming debt free can be started by simply looking at the basics. Comparison websites can be used to check for better deals on utilities, broadband phone, insurance  and even credit cards. Have you carried out a benefit check to see if you can top up your income? What unnecessary spending can you cut for now until things get better?

Most importantly seek help and be proactive!

For further online information.
To contact one of our advisers to talk about any issues you may have.